What to Expect from a Script Consultation
Jill Chamberlain’s consultations and coaching engagements are tailored to the specific format of the script and goals of the client. But a typical feature film screenplay consultation will involve the following…
- Once you have made your payment, you and Jill will schedule the consultation appointment at a mutually agreed upon day and time.
- To allow time for a detailed analysis, scripts must be sent several days ahead of the consultation. The actual consultations take place via video conference or in-person.
- During the consultation, Jill shows you precisely where critical story elements are working and where they might be missing. Understanding the big picture is essential to being able to fine tune the smaller plot and character elements.
- Next, you and Jill scan through her entire marked-up version of your script. This is done via screen-sharing for video conference clients. The process ensures you understand all of her feedback and have the opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification. Here you will get highly specific ways to improve your scenes and the overall story.
- After the consultation, you should have a clear idea of how to vastly improve your script. You can take your screenplay to a whole new level with specific action-items to accomplish and plenty of guidance on how to get them done.
For More Information
See more information at The Screenplay Workshop Founder Jill Chamberlain’s script consultation website.

What Is Script Coverage and How Is This Different?
Script coverage services are easy to find and can sometimes be helpful in identifying strengths and weaknesses in your script. But that’s as far as they go. Typically the feedback lacks the level of detail and depth of understanding that is necessary to get to that newer, better draft. So while script coverage can give you a sense of where you need to improve, it does not give you a clear path for how to make those changes.
Jill Chamberlain’s consultations involve a much closer reading of your script and more thorough laying out of not only the issues but solid ways to fix them. During your session, Jill will layout specific solutions to your overall story as well as script doctor at the page level.
Screenwriting Coaching
Jill also offers ongoing screenwriting coaching. This provides a continuity you can’t get from one-off consultations. Jill guides you to writing better stories, helps improve your technique, and becomes your go-to for feedback and ideas. She can help you step-by-step through the writing process and set up goals and deadlines so you finally finish that draft.

Jill Chamberlain: Script Consultant & Author
Jill Chamberlain has helped thousands of writers, producers, and studios find and refine their stories. As a longtime consultant, Jill knows which pitfalls are common among writers and how to avoid them. That experience went into the creation of the curriculum of The Screenplay Workshop.
Jill’s story structure methodology is encapsulated in her top-rated screenwriting book, The Nutshell Technique: Crack the Secret of Successful Screenwriting (University of Texas Press). The book debuted in 2016 and has become the go-to manual for aspiring and established screenwriters alike. It is one of the highest rated books on screenwriting on Amazon, out of over 3,000 books on the subject.