Learn what great movies are made of.

Turn your ideas into professional-level scripts.
Master the craft of screenwriting.

Led by Jill Chamberlain, celebrated author of
The Nutshell Technique
Group Workshops
- Led by author and script consultant Jill Chamberlain
- Learn the Nutshell Technique from its inventor
- Turn your idea into a feature-length script.
Individual Consultations
- One-on-one script consultations with Jill Chamberlain provide detailed analysis of the script.
- Get the story structure straight.
- Learn what’s working, what isn’t, and how to fix it.
Nutshell Technique Book
- Master the essentials of story structure.
- Top-rated screenwriting book on Amazon.
- Revolutionary method relied on by experts and professionals.
Callum Greene
“Very impressive! Jill Chamberlain’s Nutshell Technique is like the Rosetta Stone: it cracks the code behind why we love the movies that we love. It goes way beyond tired old beat sheet formulas and instead guides you to organically write the story you want to tell.”
David Gleeson
“Jill Chamberlain’s Nutshell Technique has been a real eye opener and the magic panacea I’ve been searching for as a screenwriter. Through her process, being able to have a bird’s eye view of a workable draft in just a few bullet points has been revelatory, forever changing the way I approach story.”
Kat Candler
“I was really impressed! Jill Chamberlain is incredible with story. She understands it so well and is super quick to tap into writers’ work.”
Peter Mattei
“Jill Chamberlain’s Nutshell Technique is the most cogent, clearly articulated take on screenwriting the world has ever known. My scripts have gotten infinitely better because of her.”
Hannah Feller
“Best money I’ve ever spent! I’ve taken Jill’s workshop six times and each time, I’ve written a feature-length screenplay by the end. Excellent techniques – they work!”
Katherine Craft
“I love Jill’s Nutshell Technique! It’s the perfect balance between structure and freedom. It helps you structure your story without feeling formulaic.”
Patrick Wright
“The Nutshell Technique is a truly great method for understanding the dramatic mechanisms needed for an excellent film. Jill Chamberlain may be the one to have finally cracked cinema’s genetic code.”
Karey Green
“My screenplay made Second Round at Austin Film Festival! I couldn’t have done it without your class. Thank you for making me a better writer!”
Andrew Olson
“I went to film school and have been writing for over 10 years, yet The Screenplay Workshop was able to improve on every aspect of my screenwriting.”
Nichole Abshire
“The Master Class was life changing! When I completed my screenplay, I felt a huge sense of confidence and accomplishment. Hands down, this workshop has been the most important thing I’ve ever done for myself and my writing.”
Ivan Torres
“I loved the instructor. She was very invested in our work and made the craft of screenwriting clear and accessible. The Screenplay Workshop was way more informative than any book on screenwriting.”
Lori Smith
“I love the Nutshell Technique! It simplifies story structure in a way that enabled me to finally get a whole story down on paper. Really everything I learned feels so valuable. I can’t believe how much I learned in just one class!”
Terry Raven
“I finished my first feature screenplay two days ago, and it feels awesome! I could not have done it without you. I gave myself a month but wrote it in just sixteen days. I felt so inspired that many times I would get up in the middle of the night to add an idea.”
Katie Matlack
“A fantastic experience! I learned tons. Books I’ve read weren’t nearly as practical. And the workshop environment was supportive and unbiased. Participants were open-minded and aiming to learn and improve, and I felt comfortable sharing and giving critique.”
Lisa Belcher
“I couldn’t wait to come to class each day! Every bit of information was interesting to me. I feel I have greatly improved during this workshop which is due to Jill’s direction and critiques.”
Vanessa Cook
“The workshop environment was fantastic! People didn’t always agree, but everyone was respectful of one another. And I really learned a lot from hearing everyone’s ideas, even when we were discussing someone else’s work. It helped me see things from different perspectives which opened me up creatively.”
Zooey Greif
“Jill rocks! Her knowledge of screenwriting and the business astound me. I learned more than I ever thought possible. I improved by leaps and bounds.”
Anne Wolfe Andersen
“I learned soooooooo mucch! Jill is the most amazing teacher ever! The workshop is packed full of info and great advice.”
Asenette Rios
“One word – WOW! The information provided was beyond helpful, and I feel lucky to have taken this class. It beat every book I’ve read. I’m speechless!”
Tracie Gardner
“Because I’ve read so much about screenwriting, I really didn’t expect to encounter any radically new insights. But The Screenplay Workshop seriously exceeded my expectations! It was of tremendous value.”
Jared Stepp
“This was way more fun, low key, and inspirational than other classes I’ve taken.”
Annette Maxberry
“Jill is a fantastic teacher. Her Nutshell Technique makes the process of screenwriting fun and approachable. I feel like it’s no longer an insurmountable task but something I can accomplish in manageable chunks.”
Jeanne Trepanier
“I’ve been blocked for ideas for a long time and thanks to your methods, my creative wheels are turning once again. I’m definitely signing up again for the next Master Class. I can’t wait to learn more.”
Marisol Medrano
“This is the workshop where you are REALLY going to learn how to write a screenplay – and it will be worth every penny.”
Kris Niblett
“Unlike other classes I’ve taken, The Screenplay Workshop with Jill Chamberlain was so much more specific, and I could see and feel my progress. The Nutshell Technique is a writer’s lifeline – it will get you to a solid story.”
Jack Prather
“The Screenplay Workshop will take the confusion and cloud of uncertainty surrounding your story and will instantly clarify it to an extent you may not have thought was possible.”
Melissa Johnson
“The Screenplay Workshop turned out to be the best investment in a workshop I’ve ever done. Jill thoroughly guides you on how to be an A-list writer.”
Joseph Filani
“Jill forces us to take a step back and remember that story is king. And the neat part about it is that when you do, the writing comes out so easily.”
Jen Westerman
“Jill’s syllabus, lessons plans and teaching style reflect a refusal to pander, keeping expectations high, yet pressure low. Jill listened to and read her students’ work with complete attention, critiquing amply, but fairly and kindly. Her feedback never stung and was always right on. I, therefore, trusted Jill’s assessment of my work, of any work.”
Mary Robinson
“I highly recommend The Screenplay Workshop. It really helps you to better understand your characters, and it’s a great crash course in storytelling.”
Sam Kimelman
“Jill’s technique pointed out my scripts’ weaknesses and kicked down the major road blocks that were holding me back. I recommend her screenwriting workshop, script consulting, and The Nutshell Technique book to anyone interested in writing better stories.”